On Saturday, March 27th at 10am, the Local Ministry Team invites you to join us for a prayer walking event around the church’s neighborhoods. It is that time of the year to order your favorite garden seeds and a time to get SPRING nature walks. Did you know that there are over 100 different ways to walk? For instance you can amble, stroll, stride etc. Whatever is your style of walking, as you go out and enjoy God’s creation, the Spring – God’s common grace to all mankind – remember to pray for the house you pass by, or the car that passed you by, or this runner who is behind you and the walker in front of you so that others may enjoy the saving grace as all of God’s children do.
Is prayer walking a thing? You probably won’t find it as one of the styles on the internet but here are a couple examples from the Word of God that could motivate you. Luke 19:41, Jesus saw the city and wept over it; Acts 17:16, Paul was distressed to see the city full of idols. In both of these instances God filled them with a great burden towards others and the city. Church, we’re called to be a light here in our communities, so would you join us as we prayer walk on 3/27 in the communities God placed around the church? So whether you walk, amble, stroll or stride remember prayer walking and ask God to burden your heart for the communities around you.
Prayer Walking – “Arise, walk about the land… for I will give it to you” (Genesis 13:17). More details to follow.”