Options for Giving
Thank you for being a part of Grace Community’s mission here in Richmond and around the world.

Set up an Electronic Bank Transfer or use your debit or credit card. You can also set up a recurring gift.

Text Message
Text the gift amount to 84321 from any mobile device. Currently, this option is only open for General Fund giving. To give to other funds, please go to gracerva.churchcenter.com/giving

Sunday Worship
Drop your gift in the offering plate during Sunday morning worship.

Mail your check to:
Grace Community Baptist Church
2400 Pump Rd
Henrico, VA 23233
Grace Community Baptist Church
2400 Pump Rd
Henrico, VA 23233

Ways to Give
Grace Community can accept cash, checks, electronic bank transfers, debit, and credit cards.

If you would like a record of your cash gift, complete the front of an offering envelope, located on the back of the pew, and place it in the offering plate.

Bank Transfer
This is a transfer from your bank account to Grace Community’s account. The cost to Grace is 30¢ per gift.

Credit or Debit Card
The cost to Grace is 2.15% + 30¢ per gift. If you donate via debit or credit card, would you consider helping us offset the transactions fee? Although it is a small amount, this will ensure that we receive 100% of your intended gift.

Make checks payable to Grace Community Baptist Church.