Game Night

Game Night! June 2, 6:00-9:00 pm. Join us in the Great Room for a fun evening of fun, food, and fellowship. Bring your dinner if you want, your favorite card or board game, a snack to share, and a friend. Beverages will be provided. All ages invited.

Men’s Study

Men's Summer Book Study Sundays, 9:30 AM starting June 7. Books: How God Makes Men by Patrick Morley and Man of God by Charles Stanley. Books are provided at no cost. We are looking forward to deepening our faith and widening our fellowship in Christ as we study these books together.

Sunday Lunch

Join us in the Great Room after service June 11 for lunch with candidate Jared Snead and his family. Please bring 2 dishes that feed 8. Meat and beverage will be provided. No need to bring serving utensils and please put your name on your dishes and lids.