Sunday Lunch

Join us in the Great Room after service June 11 for lunch with candidate Jared Snead and his family. Please bring 2 dishes that feed 8. Meat and beverage will be provided. No need to bring serving utensils and please put your name on your dishes and lids.

Family Meeting

There will be a Family Meeting on Sunday, June 11, from 4:30-6:00 pm in the Worship Center. This will be an opportunity for everyone to learn more about Jared Snead, candidate for Pastor for Discipleship & Worship, and ask questions. There will be childcare for children six years old and under.


Discovering Grace Class

Do you want to learn more about Grace? Our Discovering Grace class is designed to help you gain a better understanding of who we are and what we do as a church. This 3-session class will meet Sundays June 4, 11, and 18 from 9:30-10:30 am in the Resource Center. For more information, contact Pastor […]