Women’s Prayer Breakfast

Women's Prayer Breakfast Saturday, February 18, from 9-10:30 am in the Great Room. Join us for a light breakfast, fellowship, encouragement, sharing, and prayer. Register here.

Game Night

Game Night! March 10, 6:00-9:00 pm. Join us in the Great Room for a fun evening of fun, food, and fellowship. Bring your dinner if you want, your favorite card or board game, a snack to share, and a friend. Iced tea and lemonade will be provided. All ages invited.

Sunday Lunch

Let's Eat! Join us in the Great Room after service Sunday, March 19 for tasty food and great fellowship! Details: Meat and beverage will be provided. Please bring 2 side dishes or a side dish and dessert that feed 8. No need to bring serving utensils. Please put your name on your dishes and lids.