SBC Annual Meeting Recap

Discussion regarding the SBC Annual Meeting and the influence and impact our cooperation with local, state, and national Baptist entities have on Grace. Hosted by Kevin & Robin Larson Sunday, August 1, at 6:00 in the Great Room.

Kids Art Night

Let’s create! Join us for a fun evening of art & inspiration led by Ms. Lisa. Saturday, August 7, 7:00-8:30 pm in the Great Room.


Kids Summer Adventures: Diving for Treasure

Grace Community Baptist Church 2400 Pump Rd, Henrico, VA, United States

Rising K - Rising 6th graders, join us as dive for treasure this summer. We’ll find power in godly friendships, search for pearls of wisdom in God’s Word, discover God’s amazing underwater creation and how God’s love is bigger, and explore being flooded by God’s love in order to reach out to others. Bring a […]

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