Parents after dropping your kids for Kids Club in the Great Room, make your way to the Worship Center for corporate prayer. We will be serving nacho chips to the kids this week.
Fall Gathering Saturday, October 21, at 5 PM here at Grace. - Trunk or Treat for kids through middle school. Family-friendly costumes please. - Dinner. Bring an entree or side dishes. - Bring a yard chair. - 2nd Annual Great Grace Bakeoff. Entries must be baked and have a fall flavor. - Games All the […]
Do you want to learn more about Grace? Our Discovering Grace class is designed to help you gain a better understanding of who we are and what we do as a church. This 3-session class will meet on Sundays, October 29, November 5, and 12, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in Pastor Chris' study. Register here: […]